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A World Without LIES About Stuttering!

“LIVE STUTTER FREE” is an English language Division of SPEECH ACADEMIE ETALON INTERNATIONAL by R.A. Snezhko, Inc. – a non-profit organization of progressive educators

who believe that every individual has the right and capability to choose the freedom

to fully express themselves as they desire.

We understand that without this freedom, it is most unlikely for an individual to feel deeply fulfilled or to fully realize their God-given purpose in life. For this reason, we have designed and offer revolutionary individual self-study courses for unblocking the mind & body of children and adults who stutter, for the elimination of stuttering or any other types of speech imperfection, and for the revival of the naturally balanced speech by any individual who follows precisely the Natural laws of Physiology with their own willpower.


Etalon Unblocking is a paradigm Shift in the world of science and education, an innovative and revolutionary online Educational and Certification Platform that offers customized virtual education accessible from anywhere in the world. The outcome of each individually customized 3-day Etalon course For The Elimination Of Stuttering is the normalization of a student’s speech, thinking, memory and attention without any medical “treatment”, “cure” or long-term speech training. Sustainability of such successful results is 100% protected with our complimentary lifetime Etalon guarantee against any relapses and returns of stuttering.

Our Mission

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Stuttering, Stutter, Stammer, Stammering, Stop stuttering, Stuttering cure, Stop stammering, How to stop stuttering, Stutter song, Stop stuttering, Stutter test, stuttering child, How to cure stuttering, How to stop stuttering forever, Cure stuttering naturally, Stop stuttering, Home remedies for stuttering, Tips to stop stuttering, How to quit stuttering, Online stuttering therapy, Get rid of stutter, How can you stop stuttering, How to stop stammering in adults, How to get rid of a stutter, I can’t stop stuttering, Stuttering course, How to stop stuttering while talking, How to overcome stammer, How to stop stammering in adults, stuttering awareness, stammering awareness, speech delay, stuttering community,

ANNA DEETER, M.A., Etalon Unblocking Master, Speech Educator, Author, Public Speaker, Founder, Director and Instructor

of Speech Academie Etalon International.

ANNA DEETER, Founder of Speech Academie Etalon International By R.A. Snezhko, English-language Division, has more than 30 years of experience as a conventional Speech Therapist in Russia and as a fully credentialed Speech-Language-Hearing-Rehabilitative Service Teacher in the U.S.A.

During this time, Ms. Deeter conventionally treated numerous people who “stuttered,” “stammered” and “cluttered,” all of which are medical terms that Anna strongly opposes today. As will all traditional speech clinicians throughout the world, Anna practiced conventional therapeutic work, but was not satisfied with the results. She began a journey to find the answer to “why” these traditional medical approaches and treatment methods, used for over hundred years, are essentially “ineffective” for stuttering.  Anna discovered that such traditional medical approaches lacked clear understanding of cause, mechanism and of ways to rid people of stuttering. In addition, they virtually never guaranteed a 100% successful outcome at the present moment. Anna’s professional curiosity and passionate desire to find a reliable solution for solving a “stuttering puzzle” made her look outside of the traditional approach. It was at that time Ms. Deeter found the “truths” of what the “source” behind stuttering actually is! Since 2012, Anna has shared her knowledge with thousands of Individuals who “stutter”, “stammer”, “clutter” and “mumble”, all of which are caused by individual mental blocks that make people perform unnatural speech actions. Anna has personally educated hundreds of students with various levels of Speech Mastery. Whether these students spoke English as their primary or secondary language, all of them learned under her guidance the information about natural speech norms/etalons. They implemented her “Etalon” teachings and unblocked the connection between their “body, mind and will”. Through the “Etalon” Speech Unblocking Course, these students experienced a 100% revival of their following normal functions: Speech, thinking, memory and attention.

Scientist, Researcher, Academic,
Etalon Unblocking Master, Inventor,
Author & Right Holder of all 
Etalon Unblocking Courses for the 
Elimination of Stuttering.

R.A. SNEZHKO was born in the city of Yaroslavl, Moscow Region, Russia. Starting at the age of 15, he experienced his own nightmare with stuttering. However, Roman was able to figure out the cause and then eliminate it on his own in only a short period of time. 

At age 18, Snezhko enlisted in the Russian Army, serving in the Marines Northern Fleet. Upon completion of his military service, he returned to his first love, education and entered Yaroslavl Technical University in Russia, receiving a degree with honors in Mechanical Engineering. Advancing his education, R.A. Snezhko later entered Moscow Medical College, obtaining a degree in Medical Business, again with honors. He then enrolled in Moscow State University and received two more Masters level degrees; one in education and a second in Psychology, again with honors. Driven by his personal desire to go further in his understanding of human nature, Mr. Snezhko underwent an Intensive Visionary training by Masters of Yoga and Meditation. This training provided him with what he felt was a total understanding and vision of the world reality. Today, R.A. Snezhko is the founder of several fundamentally new directions in science and the author of the unique Etalon Unblocking Program for the elimination of stuttering. For his invaluable contribution to the World and Russian Science and Culture, Roman Snezhko was awarded the esteemed title and recognition as a member of the International Academy of Unity of Nations of the World and also accepted the prestigious honor as a member of the Russian Circus Academy. In 1998, Academic Snezhko made a major scientific discovery of the Anti-Matter Laws of Nature. Based on these laws, he created several extremely effective and unparalleled methods for the elimination of such “incurable illnesses” as stuttering, schizophrenia, depression and stress. Mr. Snezhko introduced to the world the following scientific paradigms: – The Science of the Word and the Formation of Conscious Speech in Humans – The Science of “Rechevedenie” (Speech Self-Conduct) – The Science of Sound Mathematics and Sound Information – The Science of Harmonic Melodies of Human Speech – The Theory of Stress and Fears – The Sound Matrix of Human Speech – The scientific “ETALON” method – the way to form and govern the human intellect Roman Snezhko has written many scientific papers on education and medicine, which have been published. He is now continuing on in his pioneering research of the functioning of the human dynamic. He is currently employing his revolutionary scientific discoveries  and unique perceptive interactive skills to assist individuals who are suffering from and desire to eliminate completely stuttering, speech neurosis, poor eyesight, psychologically induced fears, depression and mental stupor. During the over 30 years of his revolutionary teaching, Academic R.A. Snezhko has enabled over 10,000 individuals in stopping their stuttering in only 3 days, through their Etalon Speech Unblocking training and continues to do so!

Stuttering, Stutter, Stammer, Stammering, Stop stuttering, Stuttering cure, Stop stammering, How to stop stuttering, Stutter song, Stop stuttering, Stutter test, stuttering child, How to cure stuttering, How to stop stuttering forever, Cure stuttering naturally, Stop stuttering, Home remedies for stuttering, Tips to stop stuttering, How to quit stuttering, Online stuttering therapy, Get rid of stutter, How can you stop stuttering, How to stop stammering in adults, How to get rid of a stutter, I can’t stop stuttering, Stuttering course, How to stop stuttering while talking, How to overcome stammer, How to stop stammering in adults, stuttering awareness, stammering awareness, speech delay, stuttering community,
What makes the Etalon Speech Unblocking Course exceptional and unique? Does Etalon Speech Unblocking have anything in common with speech therapy? If I complete the course in English, will I also have good results in my primary language?  What does the Etalon Unblocking Course guarantee? How can we relearn in 3 days behavior that is deeply implemented within, such as stuttering? How many hours of teacher’s instructions will I receive during the 3-day course? What is the cost of the Etalon Speech Unblocking Course? Will the Etalon Speech Unblocking prepare me for going through and being selected for the job interview? What is stuttering? How do people develop stuttering? What causes people to stutter? No one in my family stutters, why do I stutter? Is stuttering genetic? Is it possible to have a stuttering child if a parent stutters? Why is it that when I’m alone I talk like a normal person, but when I’m alone I stutter? Why don’t I ever stutter when I sing?

Professional Grant Writer,
Nonprofit Business Consultant/Fundraiser/Legal Preparer, 
Accounting Professional.

STEVEN SHAFER  has 45 years of self-employment experience, building and selling 8 corporations successfully; seven years as an Business Consultant and Accredited Professional Grant Writer - 26 won grants achieved in 1st year. 

Grant writing and business consulting in nonprofit operations, church programs and project development, including fund-raising. Volunteer on the Board of Directors of several nonprofit 501c3 corporations worldwide. Member of the Grant Professional Association, owner of independent insurance adjusting and appraisal companies, show-car & antique custom paint restoration shops, founder of Parts by Computer, a parts inventory system for salvage yards. Member of the Independent Insurance Adjusters Association for 28 years. Licensed California Multi-line Independent Insurance Adjuster, Corporate, for 28 years. Single-parents pastor of Calvary Chapel of South Bay, California for 3 years. 26 years serving the Christian community as a Board of Directors member. Evangelist, Christian mime street actor, director and producer of public access TV productions and currently volunteer as a certified Genesis Christian addiction mentor for alcohol and drug addicts. Avid horseman and owner.

MBA from Harvard Business School,
Business Owner, Builder, Green Energy Consultant.

Daniel Deeter‘s entrepreneurial background and skill set, along with the heart and passion, brings about change in professional businesses that awakens people to sustainable new ways of living. 

Since earning his MBA degree at Harvard University, he has been a contributor to the Harvard Angeles University in Southern California, Co-Founder and Board member of Sierra Nevada College campus Incline Village, Nevada, Founder of Chancellor Group of companies that focuses on business development of green industries and new educational programs/procedures for alternative health industries. Chancellor is one of the biggest contributors that encourage job development in sustainable energy, environmental conscious industries and companies. Mr. Deeter currently is actively involved as a Chief Advisor/Mentor in the development and implementation of the business, Speech Academie Etalon International by R.A. Snezhko, Inc., as a program director and editor of the book SPEECH IS A SKILL by Anna Deeter. Mr. Deeter was the Co-Founder of the Academie America and Academie World Wide that has the purpose of fast tracking children in their formative years. The Academies synchronize their passions together with their aptitudes to develop a profession goal that harmonizes with a corporate mentoring program. It brings them into a designed corporate mentoring program that provides, at an early teenage year, an educational means of pursuing an entrepreneurial career course of education, thus reducing the need and expense of expensive college programs. These programs are currently in process of being launched in the US and Canada. In addition, the Acadmie America/Academie World Wide will be launching digital training programs for the re-education of veterans and other special interest groups who are seeking new professions in today’s rapidly changing work environment.

What makes the Etalon Speech Unblocking Course exceptional and unique? Does Etalon Speech Unblocking have anything in common with speech therapy? If I complete the course in English, will I also have good results in my primary language?  What does the Etalon Unblocking Course guarantee? How can we relearn in 3 days behavior that is deeply implemented within, such as stuttering? How many hours of teacher’s instructions will I receive during the 3-day course? What is the cost of the Etalon Speech Unblocking Course? Will the Etalon Speech Unblocking prepare me for going through and being selected for the job interview? What is stuttering? How do people develop stuttering? What causes people to stutter? No one in my family stutters, why do I stutter? Is stuttering genetic? Is it possible to have a stuttering child if a parent stutters? Why is it that when I’m alone I talk like a normal person, but when I’m alone I stutter? Why don’t I ever stutter when I sing?
What makes the Etalon Speech Unblocking Course exceptional and unique? Does Etalon Speech Unblocking have anything in common with speech therapy? If I complete the course in English, will I also have good results in my primary language?  What does the Etalon Unblocking Course guarantee? How can we relearn in 3 days behavior that is deeply implemented within, such as stuttering? How many hours of teacher’s instructions will I receive during the 3-day course? What is the cost of the Etalon Speech Unblocking Course? Will the Etalon Speech Unblocking prepare me for going through and being selected for the job interview? What is stuttering? How do people develop stuttering? What causes people to stutter? No one in my family stutters, why do I stutter? Is stuttering genetic? Is it possible to have a stuttering child if a parent stutters? Why is it that when I’m alone I talk like a normal person, but when I’m alone I stutter? Why don’t I ever stutter when I sing?


is a technology teacher at a charter

school in Longmont, Colorado.

Sandra (Sandy) is a life-long educator and has been teaching in various classroom settings for 14 years. She has been involved in Christian ministry for over 30 years. She sees her current students as her full-time outreach.

Mrs. Shafer has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a Master’s in education administration. She also works alongside her husband, Steven, in his grant writing and business consulting business.


CEO Legendary Management,

Marketing Director,

Project Manager.

Canadian entrepreneur Kaylee McBride is the owner and CEO of Legendary Management, a social media marketing and management group based in Ontario.

Kaylee's experience creating, implementing, and optimizing social media content is utilized towards spreading the message of Live Stutter Free. Kaylee studied Marketing and Office Administration at Fanshawe College. She is passionate about art and writing, and these skills are the foundation of Legendary Management.

Kaylee McBride, Legendary Management, Board of Directors

Watch our FREE Webinar

Learn the 4 Step Path to never stutter again!

Stuttering help for teenagers, how to stop stuttering in high school, help for stuttering children, help for parents of children who stutter, help my stuttering child, help my stuttering 4 year old, 5 year old stuttering, online stuttering therapy, online stuttering help, stop stuttering, cure stuttering naturally, how to stop stuttering while talking, home remedies for stuttering, speech therapy that works, stuttering course, tips to stop stuttering, stammer, stammering, stuttering help for parents, stuttering resources, get rid of stutter, immediate stuttering help, how to stop stammering in adults.
Stuttering, Stutter, Stammer, Stammering, Stop stuttering, Stuttering cure, Stop stammering, How to stop stuttering, Stutter song, Stop stuttering, Stutter test, stuttering child, How to cure stuttering, How to stop stuttering forever, Cure stuttering naturally, Stop stuttering, Home remedies for stuttering, Tips to stop stuttering, How to quit stuttering, Online stuttering therapy, Get rid of stutter, How can you stop stuttering, How to stop stammering in adults, How to get rid of a stutter, I can’t stop stuttering, Stuttering course, How to stop stuttering while talking, How to overcome stammer, How to stop stammering in adults, stuttering awareness, stammering awareness, speech delay, stuttering community,
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